Why put this upon a Map (Enter your child in the form below the maps HERE)
The idea of the map is to visualize. What you see visually is hard to close your eyes to. In this case, each blob on th map represents a number of completely unnecessary lifelong human traumas. Also, all the blobs on the map look like boils on a body - and this is truly a plague boil for civilization and Earth.
Mapping so far
We made an attemt in the spring of 2019 to map this in Sweden, leading to mapping of some 50 loved and lost children. But since this is a huge global problem - that bigger view would be nice to achieve.
Put your loved and missed children on the map by filling in below
All these processes are uniqe and really hard to define in numbers an categories. We do our best.
Make rough estimates in case of doubt, that's good enough. Read the instructions at each section.
If too hard - write a mail and tell, then we put in the figures. These values create great visual values on the map ! Map updated manually by me weekly or as I see children are entered.
Enter missed children below !
Put your children on the map by filling in below (green area) - further below you see the inputs so far. I will update the map manually weekly or as I see children are entered - then inform by mail if you hav ntered your mail address.
Below outcome from you all ( Great thanks ! )
57 Broken Bonds / missed children as yet, implying approx. 845 lost close relationships. Mean distance 388 kilometer / 241 miles. 38 affected have contributed.
GREAT THANKS - please spread the word!
("Förälder" means parent in Swedish.)
2023-01-09 12:38:07. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 1 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 20 relations. The conflikt started 2020. The child is born 2019, the child is in Worthing, UK. | Mum stopped all contact in 2020 once I began raising concerns about our daughter. And then made false accusations. Currently awaiting a court hearing for fact find with out literally one piece of evidence. Have also been denied my parental responsibility by institutions such as school and Doctors purely based on mums narrative when court order states I have full parental responsibilities and no findings at this point. It beggars belief that it’s so easy for a parent to do this |
2023-01-03 15:16:58. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 310 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 10 relations. The conflikt started 2012. The child is born 2011, the child is in Örebro, Sweden. | Classic PA. Mother whants child for her self. Disturbed cluster b. |
2019-05-28 03:09:52. I am a Parent, 2 child missing, 10 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 20 relations. The conflikt started 2018. The child is born 2013, the child is in Stockholm, Sverige. | |
2019-05-27 19:17:44. I am a , 1 child missing, 1 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 5 relations. The conflikt started 2018. The child is born 2008, the child is in Jarfalla, Sweden. | Couldn't fit the story into this field, so recorded it in Google Document. I use my real name and contact details inside. Hope this is not against any policies of this site.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CrsS4f-AfqKVVFhGGPAaHvuOy_ihg-0B-Z8WkxOl7Tw/edit?usp=sharing |
2019-04-25 21:25:05. I am a GrandParent, 1 child missing, 10 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 20 relations. The conflikt started 2018. The child is born 2008, the child is in Trelleborg, Sverige. | Saknar vart alskade barnbarn |
2019-04-18 17:12:44. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 1 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 5 relations. The conflikt started 2017. The child is born 2007, the child is in Ockero, Sverige. | |
2019-04-06 12:51:50. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 10000 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 5 relations. The conflikt started 2007. The child is born 2007, the child is in Perth, Western Australia, Australia. | As of 6 April 2019 I am 3184-days aliened, although the alienation process commenced when my son was still in the womb. |
2019-04-04 08:17:04. I am a Parent, 3 child missing, 100 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 20 relations. The conflikt started 2016. The child is born 2002, the child is in Nacka, Sweden. | Har aven forlorat kontakten med min aldsta dotter som ar myndig. |
2019-04-04 06:45:47. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 10 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 5 relations. The conflikt started 2015. The child is born 2002, the child is in Gothenburg, Sverige. | |
2019-04-03 15:04:36. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 10 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 20 relations. The conflikt started 2010. The child is born 2004, the child is in Trelleborg, Sverige. | Det finns ingen "djup konflikt". Det var 1 foralder - barnets pappa som ville forandra barnets vardag. Han ville ta bort flera ars vaxelvis boende och ta bort gemensam vardad. Jag ville inte forandra nagot. Genom inhyrd advokat och pastaende om att jag inte samarbetade om fritidsaktiviteter kunde han slutligen fa som han ville genom att kidnappa, isolera och gora sig okontaktbar. Jag ar overtygad att vart barn, och de allra flesta barn mar bast av att ha bada sina foraldrar. Det finns undantag saklart, men da beror det inte pa vilka fritidsintresse foraldrarna gillar mest.
2019-04-03 06:39:11. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 10 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 10 relations. The conflikt started 2012. The child is born 2007, the child is in Kavlinge, Sverige. | Konflikten har egentligen pagatt sen barnets fodelse men eskalerat nar mitt ex traffade sin nuvarande partner (runt 2012). De har baktalar mig for barnet, forsatt henne i en enorm lojalitetskonflikt, manipulerat henne mot mig, utestanger mig fran nastan all form av kontakt, overtygat henne om att jag inte ar "en riktig foralder" utan att det ar de tva som ar det. Under en period oppnade barnet sig till mig och berattade om att de hotar och fryser ut henne nar de ser minsta tecken pa hennes onskan och viljan till att ha relation med mig. Hon ar i overlevnads-mode, men idag overtygad om att det ar hennes riktiga vilja att inte ha relation med mig och min sida. Jag har kvar vardnaden, har kontakt med skolan, men dar slutar min insyn i hennes liv. Helt isolerad fran mitt barn.
2019-04-02 23:37:43. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 100 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 5 relations. The conflikt started 2015. The child is born 2003, the child is in Landskrona, Sverige. | Har inte traffat mitt barn pa 4 ar. Pappan framforallt hans fru anser sig ha rattighet att vara barnets "mamma" och har hjarntvattat barnet sa de har blockat mig overallt. Pappan sager att han kan inget gora da det ar "barnets vilja" och han maste ju gora som hon vill.... |
2019-04-02 18:18:11. I am a Parent, 2 child missing, 200 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 40 relations. The conflikt started 2008. The child is born 2008, the child is in Uddevalla, Sverige. | Socialtjansten har sedan start tagit stallning, tyvarr ar det allt for manga anhoriga som mar daligt av liknande situationer, som barn inte langre nagonsin kommer att kunna fa valja sjalva nar ratt alder, mognad infaller.
2019-04-02 12:48:44. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 100 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 20 relations. The conflikt started 2017. The child is born 2017, the child is in Stockholm, Sverige. | Barnet ar sedan 8 manaders alder helt isolerat fran sin pappa och aven farfar, farmor, faster, farbror, fyra kusiner och ingifta/sambos. Vistelseort for barnet okant pga Socialtjanstens stod till barnets mamma. |
2019-04-02 10:09:27. I am a GrandParent, 1 child missing, 200 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 0 relations. The conflikt started 2011. The child is born 2002, the child is in Stockholm, Sverige. | Vi forlorade vart barnbarn da hennes mamma vant barnet mot alla i hennes pappas del av slakten. Nu mar flickan daligt. |
2019-04-01 09:33:52. I am a Parent, 3 child missing, 200 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 50 relations. The conflikt started 2008. The child is born 99, the child is in Lund, Sverige. | |
2019-04-01 08:15:40. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 10 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 10 relations. The conflikt started 2007. The child is born 2005, the child is in Stockholm, Stockholm. | |
2019-04-01 06:42:09. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 10 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 10 relations. The conflikt started 2013. The child is born 2008, the child is in Mellerud, Sverige. | |
2019-04-01 05:53:14. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 200 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 40 relations. The conflikt started 2018. The child is born 2018, the child is in Nacka, Sverige. | |
2019-03-31 16:52:06. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 10 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 10 relations. The conflikt started 2006. The child is born 2004, the child is in Uppsala, Sverige. | Mitt enda barn i mitt andra forhallande. Efter Julen 2015, en manad innan hann fyller 12 ar "vill han inte" komma till mig langre. Jag har haft min son onsdag - sondag var annan vecka innan. Orkar inte driva en process mer! |
2019-03-31 16:43:55. I am a Parent, 2 child missing, 200 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 10 relations. The conflikt started 2006. The child is born 99, the child is in Linkoeping, Sverige. | Aldsta barnet bor i Linkoping och det yngre i Sollentuna. Bada vuxna nu. Ingen kontakt trots forsok fran min sida.
2019-03-31 15:50:48. I am a Parent, 2 child missing, 100 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 40 relations. The conflikt started 2012. The child is born 2006, the child is in Stockholm, Sverige. | |
2019-03-31 05:22:48. I am a Parent, 2 child missing, 10 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 20 relations. The conflikt started 2011. The child is born 2006, the child is in Helsingborg, Sverige. | |
2019-03-30 23:55:23. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 1 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 10 relations. The conflikt started 2018. The child is born 2008, the child is in Trelleborg, Sverige. | |
2019-03-30 21:52:05. I am a Parent, 2 child missing, 10 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 5 relations. The conflikt started 2014. The child is born 2003, the child is in Stockholm, Sverige. | Nar ett samhalle tillater en foralder att bestjala barn pa en oersattlig del av deras barndom, den andra foraldern, kan inte det samhallet kallas for demokrati och behover en omedelbar forandring.
2019-03-30 21:28:39. I am a Parent, 2 child missing, 200 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 30 relations. The conflikt started 2017. The child is born 2004, the child is in Vallentuna, Sverige. | |
2019-03-30 15:38:39. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 200 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 30 relations. The conflikt started 2014. The child is born 2005, the child is in Gislaved, Sverige. | |
2019-03-30 15:11:04. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 10 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 10 relations. The conflikt started 2012. The child is born 2009, the child is in Kumla, Sverige. | |
2019-03-30 12:18:40. I am a Parent, 2 child missing, 1 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 40 relations. The conflikt started 2014. The child is born 2007, the child is in Haessleholm, Sverige. | |
2019-03-29 15:24:51. I am a Parent, 3 child missing, 1000 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 50 relations. The conflikt started 2010. The child is born 2001, the child is in Vindeln, Sweden. | |
2019-03-29 15:24:17. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 100 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 40 relations. The conflikt started 2013. The child is born 2013, the child is in Norrtaelje, Sweden. | |
2019-03-29 15:23:27. I am a Parent, 2 child missing, 100 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 40 relations. The conflikt started 2016. The child is born 2002, the child is in Stockholm, Sweden. | |
2019-03-29 15:22:30. I am a Parent, 2 child missing, 200 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 40 relations. The conflikt started 2017. The child is born 2011, the child is in Gothenburg, Sweden. | |
2019-03-29 15:21:11. I am a Parent, 2 child missing, 1000 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 50 relations. The conflikt started 2007. The child is born 2004, the child is in Kalix, Sweden. | |
2019-03-29 15:20:36. I am a Parent, 2 child missing, 100 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 40 relations. The conflikt started 2004. The child is born 99, the child is in Stockholm, Sweden. | |
2019-03-29 15:19:16. I am a Parent, 2 child missing, 10 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 40 relations. The conflikt started 2005. The child is born 99, the child is in Ume, Sweden. | |
2019-03-29 15:17:24. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 10 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 5 relations. The conflikt started 2018. The child is born 2018, the child is in Stockholm, Sweden. | |
2019-03-29 03:04:48. I am a Parent, 1 child missing, 0 kilometers away, the kid(s) have lost 20 relations. The conflikt started 2011. The child is born 2002, the child is in Stockholm, Sverige. | Jobbigt, ingen kontakt pa snart ett ar. 8 ars kampanden. |
38 contributions. Thanks!
Activity / Manifestation May 23rd and 26th 2019.
A silent, peaceful but visually forceful manifestation at the Parliament in Stockholm. Every child will be seen ! - and their lost relationships. (in my own case my missed child has lost relations with some 20 close relatives and friends in my closest social life)